

the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes


They say don’t talk about politics, age and religion. But, what about FEMINISM?

Images of bras burning and protests come to my mind, but what is Feminism? As stated above it is the advocacy of women’s rights and the equality of the sexes. And the word “sexes” is plural people! It goes both ways…

I’m probably going to cop some serious flack here but I’m not sure I agree with feminism and how it is viewed and portrayed today.

Insert shocked gasp here!

How can she say that?

I know right!

So here is my take on the matter. Feel free to leave this blog in total disgust. Anyone with an open mind and doesn’t plan on sending me hate mail, read on.

I have no problem at all with the success or how successful a female is. I wholeheartedly support any individual both male and female to excel at, or give it a go, in whatever they’re passionate about.

As a mother of only girls, two adult daughters, I back them 100% and have always said they can achieve whatever they set their mind to. I have only ever spoken words of strength and encouragement over them. Saying things like, “You are above and not beneath”, “You are the head, and not the tail” etc.

I do not agree that a woman’s worth is considered less than a mans and don’t think it is fair that women are paid less than men in the workplace when they are doing the exact same job (and are sometimes better at it). That isn’t fair. Not fair at all.

I don’t believe that women are the weaker sex, but in saying that there are things I’d rather leave for a male to do. I’m not saying a lady can’t do it, this lady just prefers not to. I am more than happy to come alongside my husband.

In my current situation, my husband is stronger than me in many areas and ways. He is physically stronger and has such a strong drive and the ability to push through when I feel I’d be unable.

I like the fact that I’m able to “lean” on him, that being said though, I don’t think that women need a man to survive or succeed.

In a society that has showed time and time again, with screwed up mindsets, on being politically correct, gender equality,  and the likelihood of coming under  attack and scrutiny, true feminism I think has been somewhat lost.

Women are strong and incredibly resilient and have been equipped with different coping mechanisms than the male.

You only need to look at the saying that men think with their head and women, with their heart. (I know that is not in every case, it is just a generalisation).

Obviously, we are all individual and may not fit into a certain mould or have only male/female attributes. I know many women that work as hard as, and if not harder, than some of their fellow male colleagues.

Why can’t women be truck drivers, plumbers, pilots, mentors etc.? And why can’t men be dancers, secretaries, personal assistants and beauty therapists?

Why is it that we/society place people in boxes based on their gender?

Let’s celebrate both the men and women that play a vital role in society, publically or privately, without discrimination.